Oregon ballots coming soon!
Oregon Consumers and Farmers Association Vice President Sharlyn Homola and I have spoken with the following candidates in the last two years and they have either said they were against NAIS and/or were willing to draft a bill for us against NAIS. There may be others in other districts; we only write of those we have spoken with personally.
For Representative, 4th District, US Congress: Jaynee Germond. Sharlyn and I have both met Jaynee personally and she is an intelligent, loving and gracious human being who means what she says when she promises to research the issues and to read bills before she votes on them. Although a number of politicians understand that NAIS will be an expensive bureaucratic nightmare requiring untold numbers of additional administrative staffers and enforcement personnel, Jaynee also understands it will be an immoral infringement on the private home lives of individuals.
Unfortunately, the incumbant Pete Defazio seems unconcerned about privacy issues. This baffles Sharlyn and me; Defazio was a vocal opponant of the Patriot Act. When questioned, he said the Patriot Act allowed spying on ordinary citizens without their knowledge and consent. Sharlyn, Jaynee and I do not believe that simple ownership of a horse or six chickens implies knowledge and consent.
For Governor of Oregon: John Lim. John is a reasonable, no nonsense fellow who understands that NAIS will cost a lot of money, anger a lot of citizens and accomplish nothing.
For State Senator, 4th District: you have a choice! Marilyn Kittelman, Republican or Floyd Prozanski, Democrat. I actually am in possession of a letter from Floyd offering to write a bill for us, however.
For State Representative, 7th District: Bruce Hanna
- Larisa Sparrowhawk, OCFA President